Florence + The Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful

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UPC: 602547244956
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Florence + The Machine returned in 2015 with their third album, How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful. The album is a collection of songs written and recorded over a period of 12 months. Produced by Markus Dravs (Björk, Arcade Fire, Coldplay) the record is live-sounding, tune-rich, unhinged in all the right places, and powerful in all the best ways. In voice and, ultimately, outlook Florence has never sounded better.

Highlights include the singles "What Kind of Man" and "Ship To Wreck".

Heavyweight double vinyl produced by Island Records in 2015. Gatefold sleeve.


1. Ship To Wreck
2. What Kind of Man
3. How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful
4. Queen of Peace
5. Various Storms & Saints
6. Delilah
7. Long & Lost
8. Caught
9. Third Eye
10. St. Jude
11. Mother

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